
Know the names of some colors in English by watching the following video. For more videos, you can click the following link:

The reading machine is a machine which help students to read words correctly.

Help your child to learn the names of shapes by watching the following video.

You can download the following worksheets:

Watch the following  video about some phonetic letters and how they are pronounced.

You can watch other videos of phonics chants on youtube:

Vowels  in English

Watch the following video about single and double vowels & consonants pronunciation.

Here is an interesting video talk about sentence structure in English. Have fun learning the rule.

Learn about some English phrases and daily expressions by watching the following video:

Most of our students face problems in pronouncing the following letters: sh,ch,th and wh. Here is an interesting video which will help them to distinguish these letters and know how they are pronounced very well..

Have fun watching the video:

Another video:

Also You can log in to youtube for more videos

IPA Phonetic Transcription

Learn more about vowels and consonants letters and their pronunciation by watching the two following videos:

Video 2: 

You can download the following worksheets:

Letter Zz

Have fun learning the letter "Zz" by watching the following video:

Download the following worksheets for more fun:

Letter Yy

Watch the following video about the letter "Yy" and how to pronounce it:

You can download the following worksheets for more fun:


Watch the following attractive video about the letter "Xx" and learn about how to pronounce it:

You can download the following worksheets for more pratice:

Letter Ww

Watch the following video to learn more about the letter "Ww":

You can download the following worksheets for more practice:

Letter Vv

Need to learn more about the letter"Vv" watch the following video:

You can download the following worksheets for more practice:

Letter Uu

Have fun learning about the letter "Uu" by watching the following video:

You can download the following worksheets for more fun:

Letter Tt

Learn more about the letter"Tt" and how to pronounce it by watching the following video:

You can download the following worksheets for more practice:

Letter Ss

Watch the following video about the letter "Ss" and learn how to pronounce it and how to write it:

For more practce download the following worksheets: